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Boutique Hotel Downtown Haifa

The purpose of the project was to transform a small historic building and the plaza around it in to a boutique hotel. The site was located in Haifa's downtown district, a district that most of it was planned and built by the British. Since then the district's image had deteriorated and nowadays the municipal authority makes a big effort in achieving an urban renewal for the area.

The first action was to define the area that we plan in. we've decided to define a plaza in the center of the project by subtracting volumes from the buildings that surrounds it.

the hotel services would be placed in the historic build whereas the lodging would be separated in the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building that surround it. The connection between lodging and the service building will be done by metal bridges that span above the plaza.

The bridges define the plaza shape, and the entrances to it. The general public is allowed and welcome to visit and stay at the plaza. Their activities will be supported by businesses placed in the new facades created by the subtraction mentioned above. Every section of the plaza is dedicated to a different "theme", in that way a visitor can have a proper orientation for his position in space.

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